Marc (or anyone) how did you get a solid color background behind a measure?

• Dec 4, 2019 - 14:10

I lost the email with the posted score ... thanks.


In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

I don't understand. Just enter your text first, hit Esc to leave edit mode, then change the frame attributes in the Inspector. The bug only takes effect if you make the "mistake" of trying to access the Inspector while actively editing the text. So it's no different than any other case - don't use the Inspector while editing.

My method (may require some fine-tuning.):

Apply the Line to a measure from the Lines section on the Palettes.
Set Line-thickness to 5sp from Inspector
Set Stacking-Order value from Inspector to "0"

I've attached a sample file.

Attachment Size
bg-01.mscz 6.61 KB

I'm not 100% sure what you are referring to, but I do know I've used lines that I set to 5sp in height, semi-transparent yellow color, as a way of annotating music. You can also set it to a lower stacking order so it is completely behind the staff.

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