Lyrics with no melody line

• Dec 18, 2019 - 14:44

Hi, I've been notating the bass lines for a bunch of Christmas songs and I want to add the lyrics to them, but because the bass line isn't the melody, the words don't fit to the notation. Is there a way round this? I tried creating the lyrics as straightforward text, but I couldn't alter the position to sit under the stave. I don't want it above the stave as it interferes with other text I have there. Can anyone offer any advice please? Thanks.


If you don't want to enter notes for the melody (even just placeholders notes, pitches don't have to be accurate), then regualr text will do. You say you "couldn't alter position to sit under staves", but you don't say what you tried or what went wrong. Normally it's as simple as pressing "X".

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