How do you make it so that the score is a 2 hand song on piano?

• Dec 23, 2019 - 01:01

I am a beginner and I am having trouble finding tutorials on Youtube for this. Please help.


A common mistake is to always start with the default score, which is really just there to play around with when you are learning or testing things. To create your own scores you should normally be using File / New as shown in the links above, and then you will see options to create all sorts of scores.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Actually, I don't see why we cannot reconsider the startup score. Most users use MuseScore to do actual work, not play randomly. If a score contains only one staff of piano, it's almost impossible to start with it without adding new staves/instruments (which I believe is quite confusing for new users).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, at least make the startup piano score 2 staves. One-staff piano score almost isn't used anywhere, except for special occasions such as left-hand piano concerto.

Or change the instrument to violin, or flute, or guitar, whatever. Making it a guitar staff can also indicate Ultimate Guitar. :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I would say present three options in the "startup wizard": "Continue with default score" (which then leads to the 1-staff piano score), "Create new score", and "Open score". Similar to Visual Studio which pops up a big window with choices like "Create new project", "Open project", "Clone project", and eventually "Continue without code".

Have a selection of demo scores? You mean present more than one score on startup? If so then this could be annoying.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It’s the only option, true, but you can see there is already a score open, so I bet most people just close the start center.

A good question for the telemetry module!

In any case, seems apparent many people never realize MuseScore can do anything more than give you 32 bars of a single staff.

In reply to by Howard-C

By selection of demo scores, I don’t mean mean the user chooses - I meant we open several scores by default, in separate tabs of course. Then you could see right away by changing tabs some of what is possible. One could be akin to the “Getting Started” score that contains some actual instructions, other could be real excerpts.

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