Cannot find out how to change the style ( e.g. single line to four lines ) inside a score

• Feb 2, 2020 - 17:12

Hi together,
I am singing in a choir and sometimes I want to set the scores new and in a more
usefull way for the different voices. Example: All four voices start with the same notes, so I only need
a single line and this saves the space on the page. But then the voices split up, so I need e.g. three
lines, one for S and A together, one for T and one for Bass ( This is just an example. Similar cases
apply. ) The aim is to save space and to make the scores more readable, as the lines for single concerned
voices can be marked individually. Moreover less pages could prevent to turn over the pages as often.

Any hint or a link to the relevant pages in the online manual?

Many thank in advance



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