time signatures: left or right of barline?

• Feb 6, 2020 - 16:50

What's the difference between a time signature on the left side of the barline versus right side?

How can I move the 6/8 at letter B from the left side to the right side?

time sigs.jpg


The difference is when it should be applied.
Putting the 6/8 at B inside the repeat bars insinuate that the time signature will change within those repeat bars, as you require to restore 6/8 on every repeat. Having them before the bars (as is now) means the change only happens once.

I don't think MuseScore currently supports putting them within the repeat bars and the workaround is to move both the time signature as well as the barline by giving them offsets (and likely disabling automatic placement on one of them).

What is shown is correct. The time signature change to 6/8 that happens at B doesn't happen four times, it happens only once. So it would be incorrect to place it within the repeat signs. Only if there was a second change within the repeated section would it possibly be correct (but even then, it's more correct to notate it at the end of the section. You can force this to happen using offsets, disabling autoplace, but it isn't called for here.

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