Why did they change how percussion gets input into a score?

• Feb 7, 2020 - 01:10

The new change is not drastic but inconvenient. Before when you would click a percussion staff instrument you would get the toolbar at the bottom and you were free to click the drums you wanted and click them into the score on whichever beat you wanted.
Now whenever you click a drum it writes that into the score on the currently selected beat which just seems strange and tends to get annoying. For example, you have a drum set line already written out but you want to edit a single hi-hat part to change the note value. To do this you have to leave note input mode so you can select the note on the beat you want to edit, re-enter note input mode, and then select the same pitch you already have written on the toolbar with the new note value. It used to be a simple as just click the drum you were going to write regardless of what mode you were in and just modify whichever note or beat you want but now clicking anything places it in the score which gets messy quick. Not to mention any drums with particular voicings (like the kick drum on voice 2) will be written as whatever voice you have selected when you click the toolbar which is all sorts of wrong.
All of this just wastes time and while it's may seem like a small detail its these little things that add up quick.
What all of your thoughts, do you prefer this method instead? It could be just the way I like to work but it seems a little counterproductive at points.


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