Skipping a measure when issuing [next measure] command under certain circumstances
1) Go to an untouched measure with a whole rest (this is the main point, as the problem doesn't occur when a measure has been touched by note entry)
2) Insert Note Entry mode
3) Change voice to be any voice but voice-1
4) Use [next measure] command
Result: not the next measure but the next measure after the next measure is set up for note entry, and of course also only in voice-1 now. mentions this with the addition of the fact that Note Entry + next/prev Measure commands don't honor the currently "toggled" voice.
This (the first situation) here I consider a minor bug, the latter is something of a cross between a suggestion and a minor bug for honoring the currently toggled voice while using the next/previous measure commands. But here the main concern is that there's a skipped measure as mentioned
To demonstrate here is a screen capture of:
Being in note entry, changing to third voice, and issuing one [Ctrl+Right] command
Result: jumped to third measure:

Fwiw, this should be an extremely easy fix. The more difficult question is: should MS revert to first voice upon moving like this, or honor the voicing?