Manual adjustments are lost after inserting and deleting a break

• Mar 13, 2020 - 05:28

I hope this has not been reported (couldn't find a previous report).

All manual adjustments to the position of hairpins and slurs are lost after inserting and then deleting a break.

Version: 3.4.2
OS: Mac OS X 10.13.6 and Ubuntu 18.04

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Fill in a staff/system with notes
  2. Add slurs and hairpins
  3. Manually adjust all slurs and hairpins
  4. Insert a line or page break in any bar except the last one
  5. Delete the break
  6. All the slurs and hairpins after the barline where the break was located return to their default positions (and this also happens in any other page where measures were moved to a different line due to the break)

This has been going on since version 3.0. Sorry I didn't report it back then. I keep thinking it will be resolved in later versions, but it never does. I hope it will eventually be resolved.



I can confirm the issue. FWIW, I assume it happens because slurs and hairpins can span multiple systems, and manual adjustments can be applied independently for each system. Somehow the code managing this is able to handle preserving system-specific adjustments when you add breaks but not when you delete them.

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