Playing selected notes when moved

• Mar 22, 2020 - 15:25

Hi there,

I'm trying to figure out how to get Musescore to play notes (or chords) when I shift them up or down with the arrow keys. I've used both the arrow keys and the shortcut to stay within key (Shift + Option + Arrow on Mac), but it doesn't make any sound. Is there a way to hear the notes immediately without having to reselect the notes?

A forum thread from several years ago mentioned that Musescore does this by default, but this no longer seems to be the case:



In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What I'm working with is just one chord within one measure on one instrument. If I understand correctly, every time I pitch it up or down, it should play the new tones, similar to the functionality of pitching single notes up and down (this seems to work without a problem).

There is an option in the settings to play the whole chord when editing, but this mysteriously has no effect. Unless I'm misunderstanding, the arrow key transposition should have the same behaviour regardless of whether one note is selected or two (synchronous) notes are selected. Am I off?

In reply to by gavaso

Editing in this context means, entering notes in note input mode. That does play the whole chord, if this option is enabled. As mentioned, a range selection does not play when transposing, because even though your range might in this particular case happen to only encompass one chord, range selections in general can be arbitrarily long. So as I said, it is conceivable that some day we’d decide to go ahead and play the first chord just so that there is some audible feedback, and in that case, it would do the right thing in your special case of a single chord selected.

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