Creation of base clef

• Apr 20, 2020 - 13:42

Software defaults to the treble clef; however, I trying to include the base clef as well. When I make the change the entire page reverts to the base clef. Want base and treble combination on the same page as a unit. Please advise


Consider starting your score by selecting a grand staff instrument/template such as the Piano.

But if for some reason you wish to continue off of the default score, open the instruments dialog (Edit → Instruments), select the instrument on the right side and click the 'Add staff' button

To be clear: the only thing that defaults to treble clef is the empty score you start out with. But that's just there for playing around with, it's not expected you'd actually use it for your own real scores. Instead, use File / New to create a new score. There you will see a ton of existing templates and also the option to select whatever instruments you want. In your case, select the Grand Staff or Piano templates, or add Piano as an instrument. Hint: selecting the Grand Staff template is just a single click, so that wins for me :-)

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