Musescore keeps crashing and changing my time signature

• Apr 21, 2020 - 05:39

Hello! I have a score for string orchestra that keeps crashing and changing my 3/4 time signature to 4/4, so every measure now has a beat of rest on the 4th beat. How do I reverse the time signature so that it removes the extra beat from every measure? Thanks!



You (?) removed the time signature from the score (rather than just not showing it via staff properties)), so in absence of any time sig MuseScore assumes 4/4 and as such added those extra beats.
Assigning (back) a 3/4 now messes up the entire score, as it just redistributes all the existing notes and rests on now shorter measures, it does not get rig of those extra beats.
I don't see any crashes though.

I see traces inside the score that indicate it to have been imported from MuseScore 1.x, am I right on this?
Do you still have the 1.x version of it?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The approach was not to fix anything with the time signatures. It was to make it clear that the crash, in this scenario, will not happen again in the future 3.5.

Another thing: would the Nightlies (Windows) display be broken again, as it happened several days ago - between April 7th and April 14th?
Now, the last nightly available dates back to April 15th.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I was working on the score when suddenly the whole program crashed, and when I opened it back up, the entire piece had the extra beat in a 4/4 time signature. I definitely set the time signature as 3/4 when I first created it, thought I suppose it did not show up on the score. I may have started the score on Musescore 1 or 2 and recently transferred it to Musescore 2 or 3.

So there is no way of altering the time signature so it removes the extra beat altogether?


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