How to filter out markings/symbols from imported .mid-file, only leaving the notes visible?

• Apr 28, 2020 - 20:25

Hey sorry I am new here and would like to know how to de-clutter my score sheet.

I just need to see the notes and not the articulation symbols etc for an assignment.


  • Other than individually removing each object that is.


Normally on MIDI import you wouldn't see much in the way of symbols beyond notes and rests, what little interpretation MuseScore does can be controlled in the import panel that appears when you you do the import.

But MIDI import aside, if you have a bunch of staccato marks for any reason and you want to remove them all, right-click one, then choose Select / All Similar Elements, then hit Delete.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, because I use mostly synthesized voicings in my stuff so I would not be surprised if things are being translated into "weird" ways. I am already surprised at how much you can do with MuseScore so I will just have to find my ways to work with the mechanics.

Thanks for the tip!

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