Using arrow keys to easily select notes

• May 7, 2020 - 22:27

I used to be able cycle through notes using the arrow keys and at the same time add embellishments like accents, tremolos, and grace notes as I did so (For example: select note, double click an element from the pallette, now that embellishment is added, pressing the right arrow key selects the original note again, pressing it once more selects the next note, repeat). This was incredibly useful when writing for percussion as I could write the base rhythm first and then go back through and quickly add all the accents, diddles, and flams I needed to.

Now, I can still cycle through notes fine with the arrow keys, but once I add an embellishment to a note the arrow keys no longer cycle between notes. Instead, they cycle between the elements in the palettes. This makes writing much more inconvenient as I have to select each individual note and then select the specific embellishment for every single instance it's needed instead of being able to do it in bulk like before.

If there's any way this function can be restored, I would be grateful to know. I am currently using version of Musescore and version 1.3.1 of MDL.


And what you described in the 1st paragraph was working in the same MuseScore version?
If so reverting to factory setting might help (and after that reinstall MDL)

Navigating with arrow keys continues to work - if a note is selected, left or right moves to the next or previous note. Double-click is no longer required to add a palette symbol, single click suffices. However, depending on some specifics like what OS and whether your palette is docked and probably other variables, focus may or may not always return to the score. If it does not in your case, try hitting Esc.

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