Placement of text on score

• May 13, 2020 - 19:20

I'm creating a "score" of ii V I chord progressions and want to enter explanatory text at the top of the score and label each system with the key name. While I am able to enter the desired text the spacing is not as I want. I I'm using Add/Frames/Insert text frame. Is there a way to reposition the text frames.
II V I Arpeggio Progressions in C G D A and E.mscz


If tyou mean the text fram right below the title, the space between it and the title frame is set by the respective "gap" settings in the Inspector. So, reset the text itself back to its default position, then set those gaps smaller.

But yes, as Jojo mentions, best to use actual chord symbols rather than faking them in the text.

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