Shortcut to toggle palettes buggy

• May 15, 2020 - 23:58

I've assigned opt Q to toggle palettes. If I don't do any editing and press opt Q again to close palettes, all is fine and I can use the space bar, for example, to start playback, or any other shortcut for that matter. If I do do some editing and I press opt Q again to close palettes, none of my shortcuts work.

I've assigned opt A to toggle the mixer, and after I close it, all is fine with all my shortcuts.
It's only when I open up palettes, either with my assigned shortcut or the factory F9, that this happens.

I think it might have something to do with still being in edit mode, but I don't
see the words "edit mode" displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Any ideas?


Actually, I just noticed that even opening palettes from the View tab creates the same problem. I have to close it, then open and close it again in order for my shortcuts to work.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc. It seems that Esc doesn't help, but opening and closing palettes again, after I close it, does. Strange behavior.
I'm working on a piece for wind ensemble and many times the ideas just don't come, so I find myself fooling around with shortcuts, preferences, canvas color, etc. lol
Overall, Musescore 3 is great.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I open palettes, either with F9 or with my assigned shortcut, which is opt. z. If I don't do anything with palettes, just close it up, then I can use all my shortcuts, including spacebar to start and stop. If, on the other hand, I do something in palettes, for example add a double bar line, and I close the palettes sidebar, my shortcuts won't work. I then need to open and close palettes again in order for my shortcuts to work.
If I'm working on my score and I open up the mixer, for example, make my adjustments, and close it, this has no effect on my shortcuts. Only palettes causes this problem.
Not such a big deal, I suppose. After I'm through with palettes, I simply close it, open and close it again, and all is fine.

In reply to by James Stockwell

Can you be more specific still, like how you are adding the double barline, how you are closing the palette, and which specific shortcut isn't working? Here is what I tried:

1) close palette with F9
2) click a barline in my score
3) open palette with F9
4) open Barlines palette by double-clicking it
5) click double bar to add it
6) close palette with F9
7) press N

Result: MuseScore enters note input mode, as expected. I also tried using dra&drop to add from the palette, also tried Alt+Left/Right to navigate, all worked as expected. This is with 3.5 Alpha.

You say pressing Esc doesn't help - what if you simply click in the score?

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