Is it possible to map MIDI events to buttons and functions in MuseScore?

• May 17, 2020 - 00:42

I recently purchased an Arturia MIDI controller and I considered using it to speed up my workflow with inputting notes. Note input works great but I have to keep a hand on the mouse as well as the keyboard in order to change note values. In this case its probably faster to just use the keyboard and mouse like I normally do but I want to know if I can use the knobs and pads which send out MIDI events like keyboard shortcuts? This way I would be able to change note values or other musescore functions just by pressing a pad.

If MuseScore isn't directly capable of this, does anyone know if there is other software that could?


I recently bought a Nektar Impact LX25 to speed up note entry.
Look under MuseScore Preferences:
I/O - Input: select your Midi keyboard (to the keyboard's Channel -- usually Ch.1)
Output: MidiOut Ch. 1

MuseScore Preferences: Note Inputs
Select all checkboxes. Then map your controller to the functions listed there. Drumpads can be mapped to any of these functions as well.

It would be lovely if other functions could be mapped, but these make entering music pretty good from a controller keyboard.

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Midi Note Input.png 89.92 KB

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