Diminished symbol in chord symbol

• May 18, 2020 - 13:46

Hi all.
I am relatively new at musescore so I don't know how to do a diminished symbol in a chord symbol box. Any advice is welcome.
Thank you


Handbook to the rescue ;-) : https://musescore.org/en/handbook/chord-symbols#chord-symbol-syntax

There was another discussion recently whether to show it as ° (degree) or o (superscript o) with non Jazz fonts too (see https://musescore.org/en/node/305439). Concern was whether all fonts support that, and I believe we're pretty save there, so IMV we should.

For Jazz style / MuseJazz it uses 0xe184 though, and that in turn is not available everywhere, written as 0x00B0 it should/might be (and show as °, degree)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

To me it's a little more than just whether all fonts support it, it's also should we do it at all, nd how to do it if so. There is published music using only the letter "o" - and if we do, should we superscript or not (published examples of both of these exist as well). Ultimately we should probably have yet more checkboxes in the chord symbol dialog for this, but then, we start getting into other requests like stacked extensions etc. So I think it does need to be looked at as part of that bigger picture. If there is really large consensus that simply replacing the "o" with one or the other of those glyphs makes sense, we could do that without any new design, it's just a simple change to the chords_std.xml

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