Musescore 3.5 Alpha - changing voice of grace notes quits application

• Jun 10, 2020 - 17:23

When I changed regular notes to Voice 2, it was fine. However, when I selected a group of three grace notes as well as the note they were connected to, and clicked on the "2" button, the application quit out. Both my computer and the application itself said that Musescore quit unexpectedly. I tried this multiple times, with the same result every time.


Try the Beta (just released but not yet officially announced, that will happen tomorrow )
If it still happens there, file it in our issue tracker.

I can reproduce on a current 3.5 development build, with a single grace note no, but with three yes (didn't try two). Not a recent regression, I can reproduce going back to 3.0. My guess it's about the order the grace notes are being added.

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