Playback not working

• Jun 17, 2020 - 02:21

I am working on a chromebook and cannot hear any sound when I try to play my score. Is there any way to fix this? It looks like everything is good with the synthesizer. Midi doesn't have any options to choose from and under API, the only options is ALSA but that's not helping with bringing out any sound. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I just downloaded it so I wasn't sure if it's something I need to set up or how to do that. Thanks in advance!


Did you install the AppImage version? That's the supported way and it works fine for me with the current AppImage (3.4.2) and a Linux container running debian "buster" (the current default). For me, the default is in Edit / Preferences / I/O is PulseAudio and it neither has nor needs any options, it just works.

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