midi keyboard input on Linux Mint
I'm new to Linux. I've used musescore 2 and 3 on Windows 10. I normally input notes from a small midi controller keyboard. I find I can't do this on the Linux Mint version of musescore. (No input comes in from the keybard.)
Is there anything I can do to make the keyboard visible to Musescore?
Many thanks
Did you follow the instructions: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/note-input#midi-keyboard ?
(Start MuseScore after the keyboard is switched on)
Is there a tick on PortAudio?
Is the keyboard listed under Preferences->I/O?
Btw. for some Ubuntu users (and maybe also Ubuntu derivatives?) it seems to be tricky to connect a midi keyboard with MuseScore, see also this discussion and suggestions: #307329: MIDI Input does not work on Linux.