Turn notes off first time round, play them second time

• Aug 28, 2020 - 22:55

In the attached snippet of a song the words of the first verse fit the large notes and the words of the second verse fit the small notes. I know how to stop a note from playing in the Inspector. Is there a way to get one set of notes to play the first time through and the other notes to play the second time? Example.png

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Perhaps not, but you could unroll the repeat. Tools ->Unroll Repeats.

I would like to be able to have different dynamics and articulation on different repeats, but although these can be written in as text, I don't think it's possible to do it automatically in the player in MuseScore.

Explicit unrolling makes this feasible, though it's more work.

If you unroll the repeat and then output Midi to a a DAW, you can get the effect you want there, but how easy that is will depend on the DAW. You might have to write another line in the original score file for that to work well, so that the notes will go into a separate Midi track.

In your example it's only the rhythm which changes, so might be easy to do. Some people like working in the piano roll section of a DAW, others perhaps prefer to work in a notation editor such as Musescore.

In reply to by dave2020X

Unroll repeats would then require the user to manually turn off playback for notes on each repetition as you have hinted at. Another alternative to the daw is to simply use the selection filter and delete the notes only after using unroll repeats. One disadvantage of unroll is that changes are only made to the unrolled score and cannot be re-rolled afterwards. If proper playback is a must (like for choir rehearsal) this may be worth the effort.

In reply to by dave2020X

Thanks for your thoughts. It looks like I must have an unrolled version. I have used Audacity but only really to change volume of playback and am only really playing at it. I am also not a musician and have only learnt anything about music notation through singing for over 30 years and using programs like MuseScore.

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