Place Input of Notes and Rests on same hierarchical level and introduce toggle between the two

• Aug 29, 2020 - 12:09

there is no easy way to switch between entering Rests and Notes without using the mouse to click on the Rest button. (Remember the problems with international keyboards!)

Wish for change:
I would welcome it, if you would treat the input of notes and rests as equal: Shift-R would toggle between the Input of Rests and the Input of Notes. If you have activated "Input Rest" then you should be able to change the length of the Rest with the help of the numbers (4 for a quaver etc.) and remain in "Input Rest" mode until you toggle again into "Input Notes" mode by pressing Shift-R or clicking the Rest button.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

well, yes and no. I find my suggestion has an intuitive logic to it.
Furthermore here is a sequence of photos to show you what happens with your method:
First photo is what is given. Every empty bar has four ¼ pauses.
Second picture shows you what I have marked to make changes, namely all.
Third picture shows you what happens when I press on the short-cut for a whole note. That's just nonsense.
Fourth photo shows you what happens when I press the short-cut for an ⅛ note: that one works fine.

It's not really clear what you are trying to do here. Your pictures from a followup show a score full of quarter rests as a starting point - how did you get into that situation? If the goal is just to replace them with full rests, just hit Delete, no need for anything else. So best to explain more about what you are actually trying to accomplish here.

Also, you may wish to read the Handbook section on note input. It's actually far more efficient than what you are describing here. There is normally no reason to ever touch that rest icon. Rests are entered the same way as notes using the keyboard: letter names for notes, "0" for rests. Or, if you prefer taking the "scenic route" and entering things by mouse, left click for note, right-click for rest. The icon is also available when you really want to slow down and do a sight-seeing along the way :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hallo Marc Sabatella

This is behind my pictures:

In the course of copying a certain score into Musescore the probability of having to enter ¼ rests is greatest. By entering ¼ rests in all bars with a very few clicks, I arrive at the smallest probability of having to enter a rest at all. Thus I save a bit of time.

I do read the handbook but I see now that I shall have to read up again on Note input!

I love that left and right click!! Thanks for that. I think I can delete my request now (and RTFM of course :-) ).

Although I’m still not an expert, I still think your software is very handy. Thank you for all the effort you’ve put into it over the years!!

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