Key & Time Signatures at End of Line

• Aug 29, 2020 - 16:27

The next to last measure of my first line of measures changes from 4/4 to 6/8. The first measure on the next line changes to 2/4 and the key signature changes from C to F.
After the last measure on the first line MuseScore insists on adding a phantom F signature (the b flat) along with the 2/4 signature. Both are then repeated (where I want them) at the beginning of the next line.
I can't delete the phantom signatures at the end of the first line.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Right click each item in the new line and select Hide Courtesy... or select the item and remove the check from Show Courtesy in the inspector.

But to be clear: the rules of music notation call for these to be present in most cases, and it will confuse people reading the music if they are missing They are called "courtesy" signatures because they really do hep the reader.

The main situation where it can be appropriate to skip them is if this isn't actually one piece of music that changes time and key signature, but is actually two totally separate pieces of music. E.g., two movements of a sonata or symphony, or two songs in a hymnal, or two exercises in a worksheet. Then it's proper to skip the courtesy, since people won't actually be trying to read directly from one to the other. In that case, you should use section break and from the breaks and spacers palette, which also performs other important settings to mark the start of the new piece (resetting measure numbers, inserting a pause in playback, etc).

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