simple staff for exam purpose

• Sep 3, 2020 - 04:38

Help! How do I create simple 4 bars for ear training exam purposes? I don't need to create a full score, just a simple staff of four bars, time signature, maybe key signature. When I tried to use muse, there are lots of bars in a score and rests that I can't get rid of for my purpose. I also need to be able to make a rhythm line for rhythm dictations. Is there a function for that? And finally once I create these short lines, how do I transfer them into an exam document?

Thank you for any help at all!


On score creation you can tell MuseScore how many measures you want.
After score creation you can add more or delete those you don't need anymore.

You must absolutly read the HandBook, for all these questions, they are so simple, Musescore can do what you want, but it's like a car, you must drive in.
4 measures : in create a new score, MS asks you what sheet music you want, choose a simple instrument in UT like flute, it asks you how many mesaures you want, choose 4. after, you can delete all measures if you have too many.
You use EXPORT in PDF to get a sheet music.
For rythms, enter a 2nd ligne for it, in INSTRUMENTS, for exemple congas , with a simple ligne , enter your notes and choose Slashes for the notehead in INSPECTOR
Please read the Hand book

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