Echo with note entry and at end of playback.

• Sep 5, 2020 - 05:40

During note entry every note I enter has a weird delay then plays and has an echo of about 1/2 second ending with a weird blip as the sound ends.
Also when I playback a song I get the echo and blip at the end of the song.
Can someone tell me what's going on and how to correct it. It is quite annoying after a short while.
This only started after the latest update.
Version Revision 43c5553 on iMac running OS 10.13.6 High Sierra

i wanted to upload a sound file of this, but alas your system doesn't allow wav files or such.


Do you perhaps have other MIDI software installed and running, or MIDI hardware connected? Or other soundfonts installed beyond the default? What settings do you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, and when I unplugged it the echo stopped. I had checked under preferences and it was not selected as either a midi in or out so I don't know why it would interact.
After I restarted MuseScore I plugged the Focusrite back in and it still did not affect the note playback. So the echo is gone, but the original source is still unknown.

In reply to by rwkalen

Interesting! Well you plugged the Focusrite in, MuseScore wouldn't necessarily detect it automatically, but it would if you then also restart MuseScore. Or if you go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and select it there, and/or hit the "Restart Audio and MIDI Devices" button. And if that makes the problem come back, I'd be pretty sure that unplugging it again would solve it again.

Anyhow, my guess is that somehow this is indeed what was causing the problem. I'm looking at getting something that myself soon, so this is good information for me to know too!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've dabbled with the settings and no matter what I choose, when I reopen the settings window for I/O the MIDI input: and MIDI output: boxes are blank.
I have a Korg nanoKey and a Casio Privia both connected to my iMac. The Korg is connected directly to the USB and the Casio goes through the Scarlett2i4 USB. I selected my Korg nanoKey as my input and then I restarted the Audio and MIDI Devices. The Casio was enabled to do note entry and the Korg was not.
When I reopen the Preferences, I/O section nothing is listed in the MIDI Input. When I look at the pull-down menu I see 3 lines: 1) Core MIDI,nanoKey KEYBOARD, 2) Core MIDI,Casio USB-MIDI, 3) Core MIDI,Scarlett2i4 USB
However when I started MuseScore with just the nanoKey on and plugged in I am able to do note entry without having to select it in preferences.
How the preferences I/O pull-down functions appears random to me, certainly it is not controlled by my selection from the pull-down box.

By the way, turning these on and off has not brought back the annoying echo, so I still don't know what was going on there.

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