Request option to allow accidentals to be display with fix to line

• Sep 16, 2020 - 17:20
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

when I can.


Considering that "Fix to line" is mainly used for slash notation, I'd regard the removal of accidentals being "by design", and so getting it changed being a Suggestion rather than a (major) bug?
And implementing it would need to consider the slash notation use case, where those accidentals should vanish, I guess?

Title Fix to line removes accidentals Request optyion to allow accidentals to be display with fix to line
Severity S3 - Major S5 - Suggestion
Workaround No Yes

This is indeed by design, it's absolutely necessary in order for slash notation to work. But, another use case that was not originally anticipated but is also valid is for notating harmonics, and in that case you might indeed want to show an accidental.

You might think it's as easy as saying, if it's a slash don't display the accidental and if it's not do, but that doesn't really cut it, either. It becomes quite tricky because the accidental that applied to the sounding pitch may or may not actually make sense on the new notated pitch. Example, treble clef middle Bb fixed to the top line F - do you really want to see that notated as Fb? Probably not. But, you probably do want to see the flat if you are forcing the note to appear a ledger line & space below the staff - as the B an octave lower. On the other hand, then you also get to consider, what if there was no accidental on the original note because it was already modified earlier in the measure, but in the new position, there was no accidental - should one be generated? And vice versa - if there is an explicit accidental on the original pitch but none is needed in the new position because it was modified earlier in the measure, should it be suppressed?

So, indeed, a design would need to be invented that did reasonable things in all these cases and allowed overrides. For now, though, you can add an accidental as a symbol if you need it.

Title Request option to allow accidentals to be display with fix to line .
Workaround No Yes

You might not like it, but it's works, it takes only about five seconds. BTW, you shouldn't have to move chords around normally, autoplace takes care of that in most cases (it sometimes doesn't kick in until the next layout after a manual adjustment). No doubt there are corner cases where further manual adjustment is needed, but again, we are talking about a corner case on top of a corner case, and all the complications I mentioned aren't going to away without some thorough planning regarding all those cases and discussion among many users taking many different use cases into account to decide what the expected behavior should be. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen. On the contrary, I encourage you to go to the forum and start that conversation. Ideally by the end there would be dozens of posts with sample scores showing all the various combinations of cases in different real world situations so we can begin to discuss the proper new design.

Until then, the workaround exists, and I don't see how it's any more painful than alternate workarounds involve needing to hack the tuning (!) of notes.

BTW, the scordatura use case is one that I don't think had been considered. Whatever new design is developed, it should handle that as well as harmonics, as well as slash notation, as well as things like notating transposed cues and all the other sorts of things I have heard of people using this for.

Title .Request option to allow accidentals to be display with fix to line Request option to allow accidentals to be display with fix to line