Notes Misaligned In Bass & Treble Cleffs

• Oct 4, 2020 - 20:46

Hello all,

I attached a screenshot of the issue. The 8th notes starting on beat 4 in the bass cleff and treble cleff are not aligned properly. The 8th notes (starting on beat 4) in the bass cleff (B and D) are wider than the 8th notes (A and G) of the treble cleff.

Any idea how I can align them?

Thank you in advance.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 3.41.55 PM.png 37.58 KB


It is difficult to tell from a picture. But in the absence of a copy of the score I guess that you have a triplet as circled in red, whereas you probably wanted a triplet as circled in blue. The easiest way to fix that would be to delete everything in the top stave from beat 3 to the end of the measure and re-enter it, ensuring that you have a triplet starting on beat 3 rather than on beat 3 1/2.


If you attach a copy of the score it will be easier to find out exactly what you did and provide appropriate advice.

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