Quater-note-based time signatures display abnormally

• Oct 10, 2020 - 21:48

I make a new score.
I initially set the time signature to C. Everything works fine.
After some note-typing, I realize 8/4 would probably work better.
In the time signature tab in the Palette, I click more.
I click "Create Time Signature".
I change the "4/4" in Value to "8/4".
I switch around the beams accordingly.
I press "add".
I look in the palette again.
I don't see "8/4". Instead, I see "8". Just "8" in the centre of the stave.
Is it just a palette error? I drag it onto the score...
(refer to https://i.imgur.com/ZOH4WVp.png )
...no, something's gone wrong here.
I try other "/4" signatures. The same thing happens, whether it's "1/4", "8/4" or "11/4". They display as "1", "8" and "11". However, this doesn't apply to the default palette time signatures. 2/4/ 3/4, 4/4, 5/4 and 6/4 seem to be fine, as well as a 3/4 with different beam groupings I made a while ago. In fact, even if I make a 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4 or 6/4 now it's fine. but anything else/4 goes haywire.
Err... mods, could you fix this please?
Thanks very much!
Technical details:
Using Musescore version Revision 43c5553
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.18363 Build 18363)
Using a 64-bit operating system
Attached is the Work-In-Progress score which this problem is prominent on

Attachment Size
201010 Cascade.mscz 25.09 KB


MuseScore allows you to create a time signature that only consists of a numerator (such as your 8). This is done by leaving the denominator empty when you type in the Text and put nothing in the second box as seen in this example

Time sig 8.PNG

If you leave both text fields blank, the displayed time signature will match the Value.

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