Status bar reports what is not selected

• Oct 17, 2020 - 15:38

In the lower right corner of the MuseScore window is the part of the status bar that reports the measure number and place in the measure that is currently selected. For example, when I see 257:02:240 it means I have a note in measure 257, beat 2 tick 240 (the and) selected. In previous versions, selecting nothing cleared this. In version 3.5.2 it still says this is what I have selected. It causes confusion at times.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I guess I hadn't noticed it before. Today I thought I had something selected, looked at which measure I was in, moved to the start of a long score, used ctrl+f to go back to where I was and it was the wrong spot.

In reply to by mike320

I'm not really sure what that display is based on, could be something about the playback pointer actually. If you want to know about selection, don't look there, look at the main (left) part of the status bar. One possibly nice thing about the display in the right, though - with nothing selected, this seems to correlate in most cases to your "last selected" position that will be restored if you simply press Shfit+L (new command as of, hmm, 3.4 or 3.5).

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