within the last 12 hours I have allowed the latest update.

• Oct 22, 2020 - 02:05

I have allowed the latest update (Version 3.5.2) Now I find that the Program will not operate at all.
I can get to the name sheet, and the I receive the statement "The previous session has quit unexpectedly"
Then a question , Restore Session? Then YES or NO
When I click on either Yes or No the Name sheet dissapears and we have nothing
Whay can be done?
Doug Treloar


In reply to by dwtreloar

What you found sounds a little different than what I linked to but it's the easiest fix and a more common problem. Try running the program from the command line. First try it with the -w command line option and see if that fixes it. If -w works, then add it to your shortcut so you always run it with -w. If that doesn't fix it then try with the -F command line option. If this fixes the problem, it should be a one time fix. You should rarely ever need this option.

See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/command-line-options for info about using the command line options.

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