How to add cross staff chords (I think that's what you call them?)

• Nov 1, 2020 - 00:14

How do I create something like this in Musescore? I want to recreate this piece in Musescore, but can't whenever something like this shows up. (see image)

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Annotation 2020-10-31 201316.png 35.14 KB


This is going to take some smoke and mirrors. The basic instructions are found at You need to set up the piano with 3 staves. You will need to open the instruments dialog (press i) select the piano then click Add staff (not Add linked staff).

Normally I would say put all of the notes you want cross staved to other staffs in the middle staff and use ctrl+shift+up to move some up and ctrl+shift+down to move some down. You will need to do this some, but you also have pieces of beamed groups of notes. To make those, you will need to enter the notes, followed by appropriate rests, like a 32nd rest in the second measure pictured in the first staff. Select the rest and use the beam properties palette to extend the beam over the rest. You will then need to make the rest invisible (select it and press v). If your not familiar with voices, you will need to read to see how to put two lines of music on a single staff without using cross-staff.

To apply a slur across several staves, click the first note then ctrl+click the last note and press S, this is the only way to apply a slur across several staves.

Finally, the line between notes can be found in the menu, Add->Lines->Note anchored lines. These are the best way to draw the line in measure 1. Click one note, then ctrl+click the other note and apply the line. The line will move with the notes if you change them for some reason or MuseScore moves them during layout.

Feel free to ask more questions if something isn't clear.

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