Musescore Crashing

• Nov 12, 2020 - 05:27

I don't know what to do about this, or what's causing it. Musescore keeps crashing on certain notes and beams whenever I try to edit them. Beams and notes randomly disappearing, only reappearing when I make the measure invisible and make it visible again will it show up again. I've never had this problem with Musescore and I don't know how to fix it. I cannot find a forum post similar to mine, and I can't upload the score since I'm going to be publishing it.
Anyone have an explanation for this? I know it's really vague but I can't disclose any part of the score.


Not without seeing the score.

People can make suggestions so I'll start with some. Have you used the Piano Roll Editor on this score? Which version are you using? If you aren't using 3.5.2 then upgrade so we won't be considering a bug that's been fixed.

I have one other idea that I thought was fixed. If you have a beam that you set to cross a system break (manual or automatic), it won't look like the beam continues but the internals of MuseScore knows that the beam has been set. If the crash happens on beams that end and/or start a measure, this is probably the case. To fix it, select the first note in the first measure of the new system and set it to beam start in the beam properties palette.

One other idea, did you enter this from scratch in MuseScore or import it from another program?

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