Playback Greyed out and none of the usual methods seem to work

• Nov 14, 2020 - 16:30


I have used Musescore for 5+ years with no major issues. I love the program. I just opened it up for the first time in a few months to find that the playback area at the top of the screen is greyed out. I cannot press play. I cannot even hear a note when I place it in the score.

I'm using a 2015 Macbook pro and Catalina OS. I've been using Musescore 2 since it was released. I thought perhaps it was the update I was missing so I downloaded Musescore 3 and that one is greyed out and doesn't work, too.

I've followed all the steps laid out on this page:

and still, nothing works. I've restarted my computer, re-installed musescore, made sure I have soundfonts installed, restarted audio and MIDI devices, and even reset to factory default... nothing works and I'm still unable to play any score or any type of sound.


The only thing I can think of you didn't mention was A PRAM (Parameter Random Access Memory)/NVRAM (NV for Non-Volatile) reset and/or audio driver may solve it (on Mac) but I'm no Mac expert.

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