Displaying via iframes

• Nov 18, 2020 - 08:32


I write with a problem, which I found last time. All of our music sheets are presented via Digital Library which are displayed by "iframe". Most of thees iframes includes links

e.g. https://musescore.com/wroclaw_university_library/wiegenlied-ai-aien.

We decide to include link for this view, to give a possibility for users to download, print or share functions. Unfortunately for some time this links are not displaying via iframe. I have a favor to ask to check this case and if it possible, restoration of the recently available option of presenting a link variant via iframe, as in the example above.


Martin Szala

Wroclaw University Library


What do you mean by not displaying anymore?
Exactly the same url is working in browser but not in iframe?
Any error in the console? What does the network tab display ? Security error? 404?

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