Export does not work correctly, but save as PDF does

• Nov 20, 2020 - 00:56
Reported version
S3 - Major

Read in correctly formatted .mscz file. Shows up correctly on screen (A, B, C, D sections; volta 1 and 2 show up as 1 and 2 not 99 and 99; Segno mark, D.S. al Coda, Coda mark and section text). Export to PDF and read back in: perfect.

Export of correctly formatted file to .mxl, .xml, .musicxml and read back in all fail to correctly bring in voltas, Segno mark, and D.S. Al Coda.


Frequency Many Once
Status active needs info

Importing the exported PDF is pretty unlikely to be perfect.

.xml and .musicxml are 100% identical, .mxl is the same but compressed, there is no differences in content.
But exporting to XML and re-importing is surely not lossless and never ever will be, that's why MuseScore has its own 'native' format.

What exactly is the (perceived) problem here?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I imported the original file, Sils_Time_-_Tenor_1_2.pdf, and fixed it in MuseScore. No problem.

I saved it as .mscz, the MuseScore native format.

Opened that file in MuseScore. Perfect. It retained all the changes I put into it when fixing the original .pdf. No problem.

I saved the .mscz as a .pdf. It retained all the changes I put into it when fixing the original .pdf. No problem.

I saved the .mscz in a file format, actually several different file formats differing I understand only in compression, that I could read into a different program, which is the point of using MuseScore.

Opening any of the different file formats in another program displays a file with all the errors I noted in the original message. What is the point of including functionality to save in different file formats for import into other programs if the changes saved correctly in the .mscz file are lost? That’s the real, not perceived, problem.

So the export to MusicXML (.xml, .musicxml, .mxl) actually works, in a certain sens, but the import (into any application, MuseScore included) does not?

Anyway, this here:
looks wrong, I guess you really want a triplet there rather than an irregular measure. You have that wice in that score. Also another irregular measure with a hidden rest.
This here looks wrong too:
Those 'dangling' slurs... in multiple place, or are this some ornamenst?

Also while the instrument names say "Tenor Sax" the Instrument really is called "Voice" and not transposing (a Majojr secone and an ocrave) as it should.

Does the attache behave better?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am new to using MuseScore, and to editing music, but I did my best given my study of MuseScore. It is more than possible that I did not completely correctly input or change the information imported into MuseScore from the original .pdf and saved to the .mscz file. If that is the cause of all these difficulties, my apologies.

At its simplest: I imported a .pdf of the original score. I fixed it in MuseScore to match as best I could the original .pdf. I exported to .pdf and when read back in seemed just as correct as the .mscz. I exported to the other MusicXML formats and when read in they had errors making them different from the contents of the .mscz file and the saved-the-read-back-in exported .pdf file.

I cannot conclude that the export to MusicXML did work correctly. Of course, I guess you might be able to say that the export to MusicXML does work correctly and the import is faulty. I have no idea, and cannot tell, which or both might be true. All I know is that the exported MusicXML formats don’t read back in correctly as the exported .mscz and .pdf do.

The original score is for a tenor sax, but when it was read in by MuseScore another instrument was substituted. It sounded wrong when played in MuseScore, so I did what I could to change the voice when played to the tenor sax. The score should look exactly in MuseScore as the original Sils Time .pdf file, not changed or transposed.

The .mscz file you included did correct some things. It has been transposed away from the correct notes, still has those danglings slurs below some lowermost notes, is missing the Segno at the B section, but the Voltas did come through as well as the To Coda and D.S. al Coda notations. I am sure entirely due to my lack of MuseScore editing knowledge, I could never get the entry of staffs of rising notes, for example at section D, done, so I just made them blank.

Was it you correcting my MuseScore missing entries or voice errors you mentioned in your previous response that led to this better .mscz version?

Importing from PDF is where things go wrong quite often.

The Segno is in my version too. Start of measure 12

If it is Tenor sax, then id is transposing as I did. Unless the PDF is in concert pitch, which there is no way of telling. Except when looking at the chord symbols, which indicate indeed concert pitch

Try the attached

The original score comes from SaxSchool.com, and it was a downloadable .pdf file to be used when following a tenor sax lesson with backing track. That's what I am looking for, being able to read in a pdf and turn it into an editable and playable file. I am just learning Band in a Box, and I need to go from the .pdf scores to something that can be read into BIAB.

Thanks, this looks about as perfect is possible. Did you edit the previous version, or did you enter it from scratch?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Solution seems to be: 1) Read in .pdf file, often the only copy of the notes I can get, unless I can get a MusicXML file of the notes in which case just read that in. 2) If if came in too badly from the .pdf, enter from scratch and export as MusicXML file. Hope that the changes stay when the MusicXML file is read back in either in MuseScore or another program.

Were the errors in my originally uploaded MusicXML files due to the fact that I don't yet fully understand how to edit files in MuseScore? For example, I could not, for the life of me, correctly enter those sequential notes going up from low F to circa top-line G. And the loss of the To Coda and Segno perhaps because I just did not understand how to enter and move those to the correct place on the score?

Again, thanks for your help and correct file.

Were the errors in my originally uploaded MusicXML files due to the fact that I don't yet fully understand how to edit files in MuseScore?
Not sure, but likely. Garbage in, garbage out ;-)

correctly enter those sequential notes going up from low F to circa top-line G
That is indeed a bit tricky, but not too much: a) disable beams for those 8th and b) making them stemless

And the loss of the To Coda and Segno perhaps because I just did not understand how to enter and move those to the correct place on the score?
I just deleted tham and added them again from the palette