Pause without a pause...

• Dec 6, 2020 - 18:42

I suppose this is a musical question rather than a Musescore question
I want to sing the last note of a bar to its normal length, pause for a half second, and then start the next bar. How to notate? (and playback, but that's of secondary importance)
I cannot shorten the duration of the note in question.


Add a pause from the Breaths & Pauses palette. You can set the pause length in the inspector. I think this is the best way for a 1/2 second pause.

In reply to by mike320

But that will extend the note itself (won't it?) by half a second.... I wish to keep the note the same length, and break for half a second after the note has finished.
If I had enough room I'd have normal crotchet, quaver rest, next crotchet
BUT I don't want to actually notate a rest and add half a beat to the bar
I could put a rest with a pause over it but the rest doesn't exist!

Let me add, in English there is a distinction between a rest on a staff rather than a note and a pause which is often referred to as railroad tracks. I'm not sure of your native language but it doesn't appear to be English (at least not American).

In reply to by Ali Wood

On the other side of the pond we call silences on the staff (stave in GB) rests and the railroad tracks in the Breaths and Pauses palette either a pause or caesura. They are quite different and a caesura doesn't actually affect measure (bar) duration it is independent of any notes or rests notated in the score.

In reply to by Ali Wood

Don't add a rest, add a pause or caesura. Select the note you want the pause to follow. In the advanced workspace open the Breaths & Pauses palette (I just switch to English GB translation to make you it's called that), next click one of the caesuras and it will be added after the selected note. Click the caesura and set the pause duration in the inspector.

Edit: we cross posted but I'll keep this reply in case it helps someone else.

In reply to by Ali Wood

In the US a rest is the thing you enter on a staff that tells the musician not to play or sing anything for a given number of beats as opposed to a note that tells the musician to play for a given number of beats. That's the only thing that's called a rest in music over here. I suspected you were translating from another language because some languages use the word pause for a rest. I deal a lot with British musicians in my daily activities and this has never arisen as a point of confusion before, probably more because they're aware than I'm American.

In reply to by mike320

"In the US a rest is the thing you enter on a staff that tells the musician not to play or sing anything for a given number of beats "
... and it's just the same in the UK!
Except we call it a minim rest, a crotchet rest, a quaver rest or a semiquaver rest - just to be awkward.

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