Musescore Score Disappearance

• Dec 10, 2020 - 14:24

Hi, so I wanted to finish one of my scores i had been working on for about a year (for future reference, my current version is Musescore, revision 465e7b6, also, im on a mac) and when i checked to open it, every single score i had was gone! I have a sceenshot below for reference. I also for some reason had a duplicate file of the musescore folder name "Plugins". I tried restarting my PC but that didnt work... can anybody please help me solve this and possibly, get my scores back?

Attachment Size
The Problem.png 34.52 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 36821480

There is something else going on. What I don't see is which files you are looking at. It usually has a dropdown selection (which is not in your picture) that says "All musescore files" or something similar. If you changed it to Guitar pro files or another readable format that isn't native MuseScore you won't see MuseScore files.

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