Playback Issues - not hearable Chord-Symbols and Repeats

• Dec 18, 2020 - 21:56

Hey There.
I am still learning the program - loving it so far, but getting crazy with to topics as well ;)
First of all, by now it gladly seems possible to make chord-symbols sound!!!
Love it!
When I click on written Chords in a jazz lead sheet, I hear the piano sound.
2 Questions here:
First is it possible to change the chord sound to a guitar chord?
Second, and way more important, is it possible to hear this sounds while playing the playback somehow, to hear my hopefully matching melodies???

And my general big question is about the repeats and jumps.
Not only doesn't the playback jump da copa al coda, even if I think i placed both parts from the menu at the right points, but general repetition brakets don't work in the playback as well - it just plays through this bars and is not repeating anything :( I was triend to build a work arround with voltas, but also cannot enter the volta properties - to say that it should repeat for example 3 times and then jump to the rest (as mentioned in the online manual) .

It would really mean a lot, if someone more experienced with musescore and lead sheets could help me out here!!!


This most probably is a score 'imported' from a pre-3.5 MuseScore, and as such has Chord Symbols playback disabled. You can enable it though, see (same reply as in

You have a repat 3x, but the measure prioeried of the measure with the :| has a play count of just 2 (the default)
You have a D.C. al Coda, but neither a Code nor a To Coda
You have a "2. mal - D.S. al Fine", but MuseScore can't do that, it'd do it only once, not twice

Those repeats issues though look remarkable similar to those from more than a year ago in ;-)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jepp, Du hast mich entlarft - wobei doch mein "Benutzername" auch für Dich/Euch ersichtlich ist, oder?
Und sorry, auch diese frage zu den Abläufen/Wiederholungen zu meiner Akkord-Symbolfrage im anderen Threat beigepackt zu haben...
Und Danke, dass Du auf allen Kanälen geantwortet hast!
Dennoch, scheine ich meinen "Erfolg" von vor einem Jahr aus von Dir verlinktem Problem nicht rekreieren zu können...
Ich habe versucht mein Sheet noch weiter zu vereinfachen - übersichtlicher zu gestalten - und eben Volten, statt Wiederholungsklammern eingefügt - da schaffe ich es weiterhin nicht in die "Volta-Eigenschaften" zu gelangen, um z.b. zu sagen "3x spielen so spielen und nach dem 3. Mal so"
Muss ich hier neben den Volten auch noch Taktstriche oder eben Wiederholungsklammern einfügen?
Und ich habe doch ein Coda-Zeichen bei meinem Takt 7, also der Strophe, von woaus es wieder losgehen soll, nach dem "Interlude", also hätte ich gerne den Sprung zum Coda-Zeichen, nach Takt 26 "D.C. al Coda".
Nach der "zweiten Rutsche" Reffrain, würde ich eben anstelle zum Interlude, zum Interlude/Outro Takt 27 springen. Das meine ich mit "beim zweiten Mal D.S. al Fine", aber das ist vielleicht zu viel "handschriftlichkeit" für Musescore und sollte da anders verschriftlich werden, damit der Playhead das versteht.
Ich wollte eben nur vermeiden, alle sich Wiederholenden Parts Takte, komplett auszunotieren und Platz zu sparen - es sehr übersichtlich zu gestalten.
Danke Dir und Euch vielmals, dass Ihr mich im Software-kompatiblen ausnotieren so unterstützt!

In reply to by 1LouLou

Voltas are repeats brackets. And indeed need repeat barlines (and this is the English part of the forum ;-))
Volta properties, esp. their repeat list, are in Inspector, for MuseScore 3. The number of total repeats though is in measure properties of the measure containing the end repeat barline.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

And my bet again, for switching to german on the english part of musescore...
And between your comments, I figured out about having to set the Repeat Brackets AND turn on "Wiederholungen wiedergeben" on the top - which seems to be "the inspector".
Also, I exchanged the "Coda" Symbol with a "Segno" Symbol and added a double bar line - Everything works/plays know....
Only that after starting from my Segno the second round, the playhead jumps through all brackets and to fix this? And how do I find/enter the "measure properties" in the bar with the "end repetition bracket"?

In reply to by 1LouLou

I figured out about having to set the Repeat Brackets AND turn on "Wiederholungen wiedergeben" on the top - which seems to be "the inspector". Huh? No, it isn't. "Play Repeats" is a button in the tool bar.
Measure properties are available via right-click into the measure. There then you see a "Play count"

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It seems it was in the past in a section called "inspector" - but yeah, I found it on the top...
Still haven't figured out, why the playhead plays through all repetition signs, after starting again at the segno.
Even by entering a 3 into the "play count" of the last measure before a bracket - as this seems to be the only measure to offer this setting.
Sadly I also still cannot attache any more files here, to show you what I got...

Jojo gave you the relevant links to read about chord playback. If there's something there that doesn't make sense then ask for clarification, perhaps the manual could be clearer.

For the repeats you have such a tangled mess of jumps that MuseScore and I have no idea what you want. You have a D.C. al Coda with no To coda jump or a coda to jump to. You've also added a D.S. al fine with no Segno to jump to. The lack of these jumps will guarantee that MuseScore will not do what you want it to do. If the Fine is to be at the end of the score, you don't even need D.S. al fine, then you should only use D.S. and make sure there is a segno to jump to. You can then delete the Fine from the end of the song if you want but it won't make a difference. This may make it so you can have both the D.S. and D.C in the score as long as none of their measures overlap. If you have them in this order in the score

{start of score}
to Coda
D.C. al coda
coda symbol

you can combine these jumps and everyone will understand what you want. You can't put two symbols in one measure. Once you change this order the jump map becomes meaningless and MuseScore and performers will become confused about your intentions.

For the issue of the repeat barlines, you probably have your repeats turned off in the toolbar since they function on my computer in version 3.5.2. The repeats 3x will only play twice because you have the play count set to 2 in measure properties there and set to 3 in the second repeat.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ok, I will try!
But actually it seems like reading a manual of EXCEL, when I just need 3% of the features and time is kind of rare...
Thats why I am even more thankful for you and other members helping me out here!
Still don't get, why after starting back at my Segno, the playhead doesn't care for the repetitions anymore though...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

So therefore I open the in my version called "inspekteur", mark the D.S. al Coda and check the box "play repetions" - YAY!
Only thing missing now, is how to set, that a part between repetition brackets, should be played various times - in my case e.g. 3 time, before jumping to the end of the volta

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

ok, it really wasn't easy, because it is not just only the playcounts in the measurte properties, but also this really confusing thing about the "wiederholungslisten" for the voltas...
I kind of figured it out now!
Gonna post a little "how to" for songwriters like me, to make life easier...

In reply to by mike320

Hey Mike.
Think I get it...
Sadly cannot post my updated version (semms to be impossible after having started a threat), to ask if you for example would be "confused about my intentions" with this 🤣
I understood now, that "D.S. al Capo" doesn't jump to the "capo-sign" BUT the "Segno-Sign"...
Further it seems, that it should play own after the jump UNTIL the "capo-Sign" and after the measure containing the "capo-sign" should play on from "codab" - at least, that's what the "Inspekteur" says...
last and final gool would be to set the "codab", which I cannot find?!
Only Segno or Coda Variations...but if I manually change the "D.S. al Capo" configuration in the Inspektor, to lets say:
Jumps to: Segno
Plays to: Coda
Continue from: varsegno

And place the Segno-Variation to where I want the Score to continue after completing the second round started after the jump to the segno, after reaching the Coda-Sign in this second Round, it doesn't jump to this Segno-Variation, but keeps on playing after reaching the coda-Sign...
Could you help me here???

In reply to by 1LouLou

If you enter the jumps from the palette in the order I listed in all of the labels will be set correctly. The codab label is the label on the coda symbol so when to Coda is encountered playback will continue at codab (the coda symbol) as long as they are in the correct order. As confused as you original score was I have no confidence that you have put the jump markers in the correct order so I have no idea how to help make playback work without seeing the actual score.

In reply to by mike320

Hey Mike!
Thanx so much - I haven't lost my confidence so far ;)
And there seems to be an issue, with uploading files using safari as a browser, so now I use chrome...
Here my compressed sheet - to bring it on one page.
Problems are the jumps AND that in the second run through the jump should go to the "second 2." volta saying 8 (in my opinion I set all the parameters right - meaning 1. Volta (repetition list 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) - first 2. Volta (repetition list 4 - should be played only in the first run through) and second 2. Volta (repetition list 8)...
But in the second run through musescore still plays the "first 2. Volta" instead...

In reply to by 1LouLou

In measure 27 you have the play count set to 4 but only 2 voltas so I'm not sure what your intention is here otherwise I've set the repeats the way they need to be done for the voltas and the D.S. al coda you have to work in a reasonable way. I believe musicians will also understand it though they will want to look at it a little before playing it sight unseen.

In reply to by mike320

Hey Mike.
Thanx again!
but my intention in measure 13 was not to repeat afterwards from 8 again and then jump to 14...
It was more like to in the first round play it through but not play measure 14 at all and in the second round to play 14 INSTEAD of 12 and 13...
Also I was hoping for a correct script to tell, that in the second round one should jump from playing measure 26 in the repetition to 30 and leave out 28 and 29...
But maybe my wishes to compress and eas up the sheet, do the complete opposite and I (and my musicians) have to live with the 2 page version - or do you see a correct way to script those jumps?

In reply to by 1LouLou

Basically, it sounds like you're asking for one volta 2 on one time through then a different one during the D.S. This isn't possible. You asked Jojo about a D.S. al capo and I think you want to return to the start of the song sometime after the D.S. and this isn't possible either.

In reply to by 1LouLou

I think there is a volta bug in 3.5.1 that might prevent this from working, but the following works in the 3.6beta.

One thing that seems to possibly confuse you is that you assumed that after a jump the repeat number keeps counting up; by convention it does not. (So the repeats of the verse after the jump are 1-4 as well, not 5-8)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

And one more for you jojo:
in a way simpler sheet, after I a had a jump to the segno and want "it" to play from the start again, it skips my repetitions - even if i told the D.S. al capo in the inspekteur to "play repetitions" - no matter, what I set in the measure properties...

In reply to by 1LouLou

As mentioned by Jojo, you can open that attachment in 3.5.x by clicking on the ignore button on the dialog that says it's created in a newer version.
This will allow you to inspect all the settings I've made to your voltas and jumps.

As I mentioned, there is currently now way to have this work in the stable releases due to a bug in volta interpretation. If you want playback to work out you'll either have to settle for a more written out score currently or wait for the 3.6 release (which will likely happen somewhere in January)

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