Download pdf from MuseScore app

• Dec 31, 2020 - 16:15

all the chord symbols have boxes around this a Adobe problem?

Attachment Size
Straighten Up and Fly Right .pdf 40.78 KB


Hi Pete! Yeah, this looks not like something that is wrong in the score itself, but something that went wrong in how it got from the point where it was uploaded to the point where you got the PDF. Did you download that PDF directly from the website, or did you download the score to your computer and generate the PDF from within MuseScore, or some other method?

If you downloaded to your computer then tried to generate a PDF using a third party service like an Adobe-provided "pdf printer" utility, that generally doesn't work. The way to get PDF from MuseScore is File / Export, we do the export directly without using any third party printer utilities.

EDIT: scratch that, I think I see what happened, Probably you used the mobile app rather than MsueScore on your computer to access the score, then tried to export to PDF from there. Apparently that doesn't work. The mobile apps are supported in the appropriate groups on and aren't really directly connected the main MuseScore development, so unfortunately we can't really help here.

In reply to by pete@museperfo…

To be clear: there is a mobile app for phones / tablets that is extremely rudimentary, just good for displaying and playing back scores, and then there is the full-fledged notation software that runs on your computer (WIidows, macOS, or Linux / ChromeOS). The latter is what was used to create the scores that you are currently viewing in the mobile app, and it's also what you would use to edit them. So if you want to transpose the music and then generate a PDF, download the MuseScore notation program to your computer (see Download menu above), download the score from to your computer in MuseScore format, open the score in MuseScore, and edit away (eg, Tools / Transpose to change the key). Then you can print directly or export to PDF, either File / Print or File / Export.

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