Why are there no percussion notes in the special characters window?

• Jan 29, 2021 - 20:29

Did I just not see them, or is there a reason that there are no notes with an x as the base inside the special character window of the text editor?
If they indeed are missing, maybe they should be rquested as a feauture?


The various noteheads themselves are available in the Musical Symbols section, but I guess the real question is, what would you want to use these for? That wouldn't the usual way of rotating percussion, this is done directly through note input mode. I guess maybe if you are creating some text and want to use pictures of actual notes within the text? For that purpose decided characters that provided the full note would be useful indeed. Unfortunately the standard for music fonts - SMuFL - doesn't define these, so no available fonts will include them. You'd have to petition the SMuFL folks to include them.

Meanwhile, though, it should work to add the notehead and stem as separate characters, and they should align "decently".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I wanted to use these as an indication for claps during rests in the main melody (located above the rests, so they don't interfere with the lyrics). As I didn't need an ongoing rhythm, but rather 4 single claps it isn't useful to notate those seperately.
Especially as those are meant for kids - the less notes and staves there are the better.

I will look into the SMuFL community, thanks for the quick response!

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