Jump to labelled section

• Feb 10, 2021 - 09:37

Is it possible to label sections of a score, and then jump directly to those?
This would be useful both for creating scores, and also for playback to sample/test outcomes.

If not, then this would be a useful feature to include.


In reply to by DanielR

OK - thanks.

Is there a one key press which will take me to a particular point, or do I have to make shortcuts?

I'm looking for very quick and easy ways, so quickly set marks, and quickly go to marks.

I'll look at the pages you suggest - I was vaguely aware of them.

Also, they don't have to be only called "Rehearsal marks" as they could have much wider applicability.
They could be called "Labels" - for example.

Anyway, thanks very much for the quick reply.

In reply to by tombo

"This has worked in Version 3 but doesn't (yet) work in Version 4."

What do you mean by "This"?
In MuseScore 4.0.2 I just tried all the Find techniques described by Jojo-Schmitz in his post dated Feb 2021. The Find operations all work correctly for me in MS4. Are you using MS 4.0.2?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Let me explain. I am finding that the find function (Ctrl+F) as described in this thread (Jojo-Schmitz 10 Feb 2021) doesn't work for me. I'm using V4.0.2. I'll go thru the 4 find methods described by JoJo (which did work for me in Version 3) but don't in Version 4.0.2. Below I document what happens for me in 4.0.2 - if your experience is different it would be great to know. Perhaps I have some factor in my setup that interferes with this find function. I've tested 2 scores (both created in Version 3 software).

----------What happens for me----------
Ctrl+F, then:

'"A", Return, to take you to rehearsal mark A' - this works once and in my case, the Rehearsal Mark is selected. If I attempt to do repeat the find operation, it doesn't work - playback commences from where playback stopped. If I de-select the Rehearsal Mark, the find function works, but this defies the convenience intended for this operation.

"R2" to take you to rehearsal mark 2 - playback resumes where it stopped

"20" to take you to measure 20 - the top stave of measure 20 is selected and playback starts from here. Of course the selection ensures that other instruments are not heard

"P5" to take you to page 5 - when I type "P2", even before hitting Enter, vision jumps to start of page 2, but after I hit Enter and then Play (spacebar), the score commences playback from the beginning of the score.

I'm happy to report on GitHub if you think it's warranted.

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