New user here--need help

• Feb 16, 2021 - 02:27

Hi everyone,

I'm a theory teacher who really needs to make this software work, and fast! I recently suffered a computer failure and had been using Noteability for eons, which will not be updated for the newer Mac OSs. I knew I'd have to make the switch eventually, but now I am having to learn MuseScore on the fly while I'm teaching everything online. Total disaster.

Things I need to know immediately:
- How to make bar lines completely disappear
- How to shift the first system on the first page over to the left, so that it's in line with the other systems.

I did some searching on these questions, but did not come up with any quick solutions, so I am hoping someone can help me fast!

Any help anyone could throw my way would be amazing. Thanks!!


The indent is turned off with the style setting as noted. If you're creating a bunch of worksheets that all need to not be indented, best to set one up that way then save it to your Templates folder. Probably others settings you'll want to customize too. Like, I have a worksheet template that has a page header with "Name: ___________" etc in it, so all the worksheets I create have that there by default.

Regaridng barlines, while yes you can hide them or anything with "V", most likely that won't do what you want - there will still be space before and after the barline, so the music won't be spaced properly. Can you explain more about what you are trying to do? If you're creating unmetered music like for scales or Renaissance music, then instead of hiding the barlines, you really want to join the measures into one. So select them and use Tools / Measures / Join Select Measures. Or if you just want to print some blank manuscript paper, just add system breaks so there is only one measure per page (and use Staff/Part Properties to disable the barlines as well as clefs etc).

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