Uneven, stretched out spacing between beamed notes (score attached)

• Feb 19, 2021 - 01:17

I've been preparing a new edition of Scarlatti K.141 piano sonata. Please see attached score. In measure 60 and 64, and similar spots, Musescore is spacing strangely. There are two voices in the RH (treble clef), and the second 16th is way too far to the right, and the LH (bass clef) part looks very strange because of the stretched-out spacing.

The documentation says you can nudge notes and change the width of bars by various methods, but none of them seem to work. Have you run into this and figured out a solution? Thanks

Attachment Size
Sonata K141.mscz 33.54 KB


In measure 56 both hands too
Something very similar had come up a few days ago, with no explanation as to why this is happening though

Here Chord offset seems the workaround, at least for those in bass clef, and segment offset in treble clef

Attachment Size
Sonata K141_0.mscz 30.46 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks! Can you work me through the steps of what you did, so I know how it works? I don't know what 'chord offset' is.
Everything you did looks good, but measure 60 only seems to be a little wider than the other measures of that particular line. Is there a way to adjust the measure size for that as well?

I definitely remember this same question about this same score a few days ago, but I don't see any other posts from you here, so either it was under a different account or in a different venue, like maybe Facebook?

Anyhow, I'm not actually sure where the extra space comes from, but to me the best way to eliminate it is via negative "Leading space" on the next note. Adjusting offset will move it out of alignment with other notes in other voices or on other staves, plus it doesn't truly close up the space as far as width calculations go.

Hello, everyone,
I use another solution for this problem. I moved voice two to the left by 3,2 spaces and did a local relayout on the beams in both staves. Biggest advantage for me is I can now clearly see the dot in voice one and the overall spacing is tighter cause there's no need for extra space after the dot.
Thomas Sonata K141 changed.mscz

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