Kerning space between systems?

• Feb 22, 2021 - 15:37

Does anyone know how to eliminate some of the space between the systems? I'd like to tighten it up so more lines of music can fit on one page... or so I can make the songs I write for workbooks look better when I import them into the workbooks. (Now they have big gaps between the lines of music.)

Thanks in advance for your ideas on how to solve this.



The vertical justification option doesn't affect how many systems fit per page, just how they are spread on the page once the basic determination is made. The relevant settings for determining that are the various min distance settings - min staff distance, min system distance, also the grand staff distance when not using the vertical justification option.

SO the most straightforward way to get more systems per page without changing staff size is to reduce those settings, in Format / Style / Page. However, I think you'll find they are already extremely low, and if you reduce them enough to fit another system, you will likely find it too crowded. More likely what you really need to do is reduce the staff size - which controls the overall scaling - in Format / Page Settings.

Or, if you are actually creating shorter examples for inclusion elsewhere, what I'd actually recommend is none of the above. Assuming these are short examples that are each less than a page, I'd recommend turning off the vertical justification - which will tighten up the spacing - but then add page breaks after each song to prevent more systems from fitting on the page. This makes it simpler to capture the images for each song as they always sit comfortably on one page.

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