Repeat bug.

• Mar 16, 2021 - 03:37
Reported version
S1 - Blocker
by design

At measure 32 I have a right repeat. I have a bracket at measure 32 to play it only during the second round and for round 1 and 3 a bracket at measure 33. Later in the piece measure 45 I have a DS that should go to measure 9.

So on measure 32 if I use the play count as 2 it plays measure 32 then jumps to measure 34 without doing the repeat. If I use any other value 3, it won't play measure 32 and just jumps straight to measure 33. If I tell the DS to play repeats it 0's the counter and again plays measure 33 with more catastrophic results :-) Using the play count of 2 allows the rest of the piece to play correctly, with the exception of the repeat. I added the file to see if you could make it work, but with the current version that I am using, no matter what I try it fails. It's stopping me from actually publishing this piece, since it isn't playing back correctly.

Thank You
Robert Newhouse

Attachment Size
Trading_My_Sorrows.mscz 35.8 KB


Status active by design

You have a start repeat in measure 9, and another in measure 25, but only one end repeat in measure 32. Repeats don#t nest, everry start repeats must have a matching end repeat and vice versa (with an implicit start repeat at the start of the piech and an implicit end repeat at its end, so you can leave those out)

The end repeat in mesasure 32 is wrong too, affecte onle one of the 3 stafes, that ain't going to work either, esp. now tieh the 2,. and the 1.+3. volta
Then you have a nother set of voltas in measure 44-47, hanging 'mid-air' i.e. without any end repeat barline. Voltas are alternative ending, not middle parts

The repeats barlines and voltas after that are correct, but those mentioned above are just plain wrong, confisung to musicians and MuseScore and as such just don't work