Artist Payment

• Mar 16, 2021 - 20:39

If I, a small artist, upload an original piece to MuseScore, do I get paid when someone downloads it? They say that fees to download music go towards paying artists/copyright holders; how can I ensure that that's the case?


I assume you are talking about the score-sharing site, so best to ask over there on that site.

But, I can clarify something. The site was created for MuseScore users to share their sites - to provide them for free. No provision was ever intended to allow for users selling their scores. The only scores that require a paid subscription to download are ones where the user who uploaded the score doesn't actually own the rights. In other words, where a MuseScore user is sharing someone else's music - someone who is not a MuseScore user. The revenue from subscriptions helps pay the people whose music is being uploaded without their explicit permission.

If you want to get paid for your scores, you got to negotiate with
Or publish via one of the large publishers they already negotiated with.

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