Timing from one track and note pitch from another

• Mar 17, 2021 - 19:47

I have one track that has the rhythm of a passage and I have the chord notes “exploded” to several other tracks.
Does anyone know a short-cut way to merge the “rhythm track” with the “note track” so that I get each note of my chord at the specified rhythm.

(Sorry if this is a poor description of what I am trying to do - it has been a long day and I am tired! 😂😂)


Implode won't change the rhythms or pitches, just which staves or voices the notes are in.

If all you have to work with is two separate tracks where one has the right rhythms and the other has the right notes, then probably the best you can do is use the "right note" track as a guide for correcting the pitches of the "right rhythm" track in Re-pitch mode.

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