Why do i need to give my credit card/paypal for the free trial and why do you need to pay anyways to download midi music people published?

• Mar 18, 2021 - 19:24

Like i get it, the world is about money today, so you must cashgrab anytime you can. But the free trial should be free literally. No giving credit card or paypal.


As the links above indicate, you've posted this to the wrong site - the account you are talking about is on musescore.com, this is musescore.org where we support the free notation software. FWIW, though, I can't think of any free trial I have signed up for in my entire life that didn't require giving payment info up front. maybe back in the 80's when I got 12 albums for a penny from Columbia House?

As for why it is necessary to pay the copyright owners of the music uploaded by MuseScore users, I encourage you to do a web search to learn how copyright law works.

In reply to by leonmeon111

Exactly my point - if the user who uploaded it did not compose the music, then it is copyrighted by someone else, and that is the person who needs to be paid. The copyright owner did not give permission for their music to be made available for free. Those copyright owners need to be paid, that is the whole point. The money doesn't go to the uploader, it goes to the copyright holder, to compensate them for their work being used.

In reply to by leonmeon111

There are also hundreds, (probably thousands), of public domain scores on .com available for free download. You can still listen to playback and learn any other scores without downloading.

Users on Musescore are not publishing MIDI music. We upload scores in Musescore format.

Why do you need a MIDI download?

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