
• Mar 29, 2021 - 19:56

I am using a midi score with many parts on a Roland keyboard. Because 2 of the parts have overlapping notes I need one of them to sound an octave higher pitch but still appear visually at the same pitch as it was before the transpose. I have successfully done this in Musescore using CAPO but when I play the song on my keyboard the keyboard reverts to playing the part at the original pitch and ignores the capo.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc,
I am playing this piece on my Roland keyboard using Synthesia software. I get Synthesia to play all the parts except for Rotary Organ and Piano which I am playing with my left and right hands respectively. The problem is that in the second file 'Soul Limbo 6 low org' you can see that sometimes I need to play the same keyboard notes for each part (Organ and Piano) which is of course impossible. So what I did was to transpose the piano an octave lower and put a capo on the piano (see other file below). I hoped this would mean I could play the part lower on the keyboard but it still sound at the originally intended pitch but it doesn't work as the keyboard ignores the capo.
I hope you understand me now but wouldn't be surprised if it's still unclear!

In reply to by Sir Alf

I loaded the "low org" file - which is the note you are saying is impossible? I can't imagine anything that would make it impossible for two different parts to have the same notes.

Anyhow, capo isn't a thing for piano, but you could set the transposition in staff/part properties if for some reason you really do need a part to sound on octave higher or lower than written.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,
If you look at bar 7 the rotary organ notes run into (or amongst) the piano ones which means that it's not possible for me to play both. You can also see at the end of the previous bar there are A's in each part meaning you can't play those A's in both parts at the same time.
Re your second paragraph I tried this and it works whilst in musescore but once in Synthesia the notes and the pitch revert to original, i.e. with the clashing notes.

In reply to by Sir Alf

I'm still not undersdtanding, I'm afraid. Are you talking about one personal physical playing an organ and a piano at the same time? So, one hand on each instrument? I still don't see how this is a problem. If I have two keyboards setup I can easily play the exact same notes on each at the same time. Of course, it's much more likely it would simply be two different keyboard players on two different keyboards.

So I'm just not getting the big picture here. Nothing about your score is not playable that I can see.

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