Something is wrong with the login on

• Oct 25, 2009 - 10:02

Up until 2 days ago, I was able to log in just fine with no problems under Mozilla Firefox Namoroka 3.6 Alpha 1 with my username and password saved. I would just go to and hit the log in button, because my user name and password would be saved and already written in the according fields.

But now, the first time I click log in I get the attached error below, and, then I have to click log in again to be able to log in, even though I have made NO modifications to the way my browser handles cookies, it's just the same as before when it worked with no problems.

This also happens under IE 8.

Attachment Size
log in failure.png 130.61 KB


I experience this a couple days ago, reported it to Thomas, he made a fix, and I have not experienced it since. Are you still experiencing this?

The website has been migrated 7 days ago to a new hosting facility. It's possible that your current cookie does not work anymore. Normally, the solution is to logout as normal and than the log in again. To be certain, just remove the domain cookies. Come back to me if it still doesn't work.

In reply to by Thomas

the issue still occurs even today. My mozilla profile is set to delete all temporary cache cookies and data on exit. is this why I still have to go through hitting the login button twice?

In reply to by Thomas

same thing happens all over again. I even deleted my mozilla profile and had the browser load its default, and I still had to push the log in button twice, and received that message

It seems your browser does not accept cookies. To log into this site, you need to accept cookies from the domain

it still happens both on IE and FF

In reply to by Thomas

It seems your browser does not accept cookies. To log into this site, you need to accept cookies from the domain

same thing......

does the MuseScore website need a cookie to remain on my laptop always? or what is the problem, I can't figure it out.....

again, same on Internet Explorer and Firefox....

In reply to by Thomas

the damn thing still happens man.............. is the only website with which I have this problem. please fix it, it's driving me nuts.....................................

Ok, now it works again just fine on Mozilla Firefox, without me changing ANYTHING!!!!
Some web master @ muserscore did something. It's working fine now.

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